Need a haircut but not sure whether to ask for scissors or clippers? In this handy article, Scott breaks down why scissors over clippers should be your go-to at your next hairdresser appointment. Read more about men’s haircuts with Scott here.
Clippers are generally regarded as an essential barbers' tool. Quick to use and able to cut down right to the skin, clippers are a great tool for beginners in the field. Whilst they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, clippers only cut to a certain set size (numbers 1, 2, 3 etc.). And whilst they can cut right down to the skin, they may often leave a bowl shape on the top of the head.
Scissors, on the other hand, can move a lot better around the head shape with better control. Everybody has a different head shape to each other, with differing bones, lumps and muscles, all at different angles. Most people’s heads are also slightly different on both sides, so if you don’t have a perfect head shape, a clipper cut is likely to look off balance. Scissors can easily rectify this problem and give you a lot more control on head sizes and shapes. And whilst seeing the skin on the side of a man’s head who has a nice head shape looks good, on someone with an uneven, abnormal head shape, it might not be the best look!
It might be easy to assume that short men's haircuts can only be achieved with clippers. But in fact, even with scissors and an experienced hairdresser, you can achieve as short as a number one. Scissors will give a much better blend into the top of the head, too, avoiding the risk of a bowl-like shaped haircut.
Scissors vs Clippers in Male Haircuts Pros & Cons
Scissors Pros
Achieves a more natural look
Far better control over the length
Achieve better blending
Scissors Cons
Requires more hairdresser experience vs clippers
Additional time required for the haircut
Scissors have no guard like clippers do, requiring the hairdresser to be more careful
Clipper Pros
Achieves a fast haircut
Great for beginners
Can cut right down to the skin
Clipper Cons
Mistakes tend to be more obvious
Harder to blend
Require battery charging
Can make haircuts look off balance
About Scott Fairweather
Scott is a leading men’s hairdresser with 20 years of experience in his field. Scott has styled and cut hair for some of the best in the business, gaining his knowledge at top salons, including Worthington's, Trevor Sorbie and TONI&GUY.